General Principles of Messe München GmbH January 2024
Messe München GmbH (“MMG”) is a globally active company with a wider range of national and international customers. Therefore, compliance with legal framework and ethical stand- ards is essential for our business activities.
In order to maintain the high reputation and trust that MMG enjoys among its customers and business contacts, MMG complies with applicable law, ethical principles and corresponding internal policies in the course of its business, and is committed to environmentally and socially responsible corporate governance.
For this reason, MMG has introduced a code of conduct (hereinafter referred to as the "Code of Conduct"), setting out policies and requirements which are binding on MMG.
We honour and respect human rights and the applicable fundamental rights of employees. We acknowledge and comply with the general human rights conventions. These include, in particular, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of the United Nations General Assembly and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). It goes with- out saying that no forms of child labour or forced labour whatsoever are practised, tolerated or supported by us. We adhere to the recommendation from the ILO conventions on the minimum age for the employment of children. Pursuant to that recommendation, that min- imum age should not be less than 15 years in any event.
In order to ensure diversity and equal opportunities for all, we expressly exclude any form of discrimination (e.g. on the basis of gender, ethnic or social origin, age, sexual orientation and gender identity, faith or belief, physical or mental impairment, trade union membership or other characteristics), at a minimum in accordance with the prohibitions on discrimination under the General Equal Treatment Act (“Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz”, AGG). MMG protects its employees from physical, psychological, verbal and sexual harassment or other abusive behaviour.
We expect every employee to treat customers, visitors, service partners, suppliers, author- ities, other employees and all third parties in a friendly, objective, fair and respectful man- ner. Diversity and respectful conduct towards one another are part of our self-image and contribute to our future viability.
A commitment to social and ethical responsibility is an essential part of our corporate phi- losophy. For us, this includes maintaining an ongoing social commitment, by ensuring equal opportunities for all employees for a more diverse and thus sustainably future-proof business world, for example through our cross-sector women’s network "Connect Women" and our company-wide LGBTQI* network to support the individuality of our employees, as well as by actively promoting cultural change within the company.
We guarantee fair working conditions for our employees. MMG pays its employees and any temporary workers employed by the company appropriate remuneration in accordance with the applicable local laws (e.g. Minimum Wage Act). MMG ensures a safe and healthy working environment for its employees in order to prevent accidents and harm to the health of employees and, at a minimum, complies with the applicable local health and safety reg- ulations and legislation on working hours. MMG honours and respects the constitutionally guaranteed fundamental right of employees of freedom of association and collective bar- gaining.
As a part of society, we honour our social and environmental responsibilities. Sustainability is firmly anchored in our corporate strategy.
We are committed to becoming CO2-neutral by 2030. To this end, we have developed a sustainability strategy tailored to the exhibition industry. With our sustainability programme based on that strategy, we are continuously implementing projects to reduce CO2 emis- sions. In this way, we aim to further improve Messe München's already high environmental standards and minimise our environmental impact in all areas of the company. We are committed to ensuring that resources are conserved and used efficiently. We endeavour to meet the requirements of a modern circular economy. We comply with all applicable laws and guidelines.
In addition, all employees are encouraged, in their individual behaviour, to take responsi- bility for the environment and climate and to conserve resources. In accordance with the requirements of applicable law, MMG is also audited pursuant to DIN EN 16247-1 (energy audit), which certifies continuous improvement in energy efficiency.
We take the protection of personal data seriously. We attach great importance to data protection and privacy and the confidentiality of the information entrusted to us by our cus- tomers, visitors, suppliers and employees.
We process the data entrusted to us in line with the provisions of the applicable data pro- tection laws and are committed to taking appropriate data and IT security measures.
Our company data is the basis for our business. To specifically protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data in our IT systems, we utilise state-of-the-art security measures. The aim is to ensure the objectives of information security and, for example, to prevent unauthorised access, theft, modification or destruction of data. As part of their daily work, every employee is required to be vigilant in order to prevent misuse of and by means of our IT systems.
At a minimum, we classify all information that is not intended for disclosure to third parties as internal and protect it from unauthorised access. Confidential or strictly confidential in- formation includes, but is not limited to, business and trade secrets as well as other data for which the interest in confidentiality arises from the nature of the information.
We use social media responsibly. Content to be shared must comply with current laws and regulations as well as internal rules. We reject offensive or objectionable content and do not disseminate it.
We treat our property responsibly and carefully. We use work equipment, office furniture and IT equipment in a manner which conserves resources, and we reuse equipment wher- ever possible. Consumables are used sparingly.
MMG employees always keep corporate interests strictly separate from their private inter- ests. In connection with their professional activities, they may only promote the corporate interests of MMG and its Group companies. Conflict-of-interest situations or even the ap- pearance of conflicts must be avoided. Employees are required to report potential or actual conflicts of interest to their superiors promptly / without culpable delay.
We are committed to integrity in our business dealings. MMG does not tolerate corruption under any circumstances. Corruption impairs fair competition and harms MMG, both eco- nomically and in terms of its reputation. We will not consider any business transactions that involve the violation of applicable law or company regulations in connection with the grant- ing or acceptance of benefits.
We do not do business with organisations or individuals associated with terrorism, drug trafficking, money laundering or other criminal activities.
By setting up an internal reporting unit in accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act (“Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz”, HinSchG), we have ensured that MMG employees are able to report violations in accordance with the law. To this end, we have granted the internal reporting unit the necessary powers to enable it to perform its duties, in particular to review reports and take follow-up action.